Square POS integration with Akira Cart

Big news on the feature front, Akira Cart has integrated with Square POS to bring more features to our customers whom use Square. We’ve done this to make it easier for our Square based customers to sync the online ordering sales they make with Akira Cart with their point of sale system.
What is Square?
Square is a point of sale system for restaurants and businesses. Available on Google Play and in the App Store, Square gives companies the ability to process payments, manage sales, and track inventory. Square has several other features, which restaurants find attractive, that include display systems for tracking orders and employee management.
Restaurants can easily sign up for Square, and integrate with Akira Cart, to bring a seamless experience to the kitchen.
How does this help you?
By linking Square and Akira Cart’s ordering system, you can:
- Sync order information between your website and POS.
- Track inventory and sales information.
- Sync menu and location information.
- Allow your customers to make donations for various causes that can be tracked on your POS.
- Reduce human error by keeping your website and POS synced automatically.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Soon, you’ll be able to sync some other features Square has, with Akiracart, that include:
- Allowing your customers to reload their Square based gift cards using your website on Akiracart.
- Syncing coupon information between systems.
- Syncing Square’s customer loyalty program with Akiracart’s rewards program.
- Syncing employee information between systems to automatically build back-end users for use with Akiracart’s system.
By integrating Akira Cart with Square, you’ll save time and money, and increase sales by utilizing the many marketing features that Akira Cart possesses.